back ground
cabaage grown in Compost
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Azomite Treaded Orange grove
    Richard Pearce
    Sustainable-Ag Solutions, LLC
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"Failure is not fatal, but failure to change might be."  John Wooden


Phosphite TKO 

Phosphite TKO (0-29-26) is a clear liquid solution that is good for your plants and the environment. Unlike other forms of phosphorus, Phosphite is highly water soluble and can be quickly absorbed through a plant's leaves, branches, and roots. Once inside a plant, it is extremely mobile and works to rapidly correct deficiencies, enhance plant and root development, and improve crop resistance to disease. An environmentally-friendly product, it prevents excessive build-up of soil phosphorus and prevents problems with ground-water contamination.

Phosphite TKO can be used on crops such as citrus, avocados, strawberries, vegetables and all deciduous and non-deciduous fruits. It can be used as a foliar spray, as a soil application, or through irrigation water. Applied at critical growth stages in a plant's life cycle, it ensures superior root formation, seedling growth, bud formation, blossom and fruit set. It improves both yield and quality of crops, and boosts a plant's resistance to stress and disease. 

Maximize Nutrient Efficiency
In plant nutrition, phosphorus is second in importance only to nitrogen, playing a key role in photosynthesis, respiration, energy storage, enzyme and protein formation, and root development. Growers can maximize a plant's uptake of this important nutrient by using liquid TKO, which is uniquely able to move in both the xylem and phloem of a plant. TKO also provides a quickly absorbable form of potassium, another critical macronutrient for all crops. 

Minimize Waste 
Traditional granular phosphate fertilizers are ground-applied and often bind up in the soil, where they become unavailable to the plant and interfere with the soil's chemistry and pH. Such soil build-ups can also bind many minor elements, making those micronutrients unavailable to the crop. 
In contrast to granular phosphate, liquid Phosphite TKO is readily available to plants, is quickly utilized, and eliminates the waste associated with poorly absorbed granular phosphate applications.

Improve Safety
TKO Phosphite has a neutral pH and low salt index. It can be used with confidence on all crops without fear of burn and crop loss. It is non-corrosive and has no special handling or storage concerns. 

Protect the Environment
Phosphite TKO promotes the practice of sustainable agriculture. Growers can drastically reduce their use of phosphorus by switching to Phosphite TKO, and thus eliminate environmental concerns over ground, pond and lake-water contamination. And since TKO can be foliar-applied to crops and applied with pin-point accuracy, growers do not have worry about contributing to phosphate build-up in the soil. This is beneficial for the environment, and good for a grower's profit line

Get Quick Results 
With TKO, there's no need to wait for the breakdown of granular phosphates in order to get the results you're looking for. TKO gives you the flexibility to immediately correct a phosphorus or potassium deficiency. Select TKO Phosphite and know that your crop is getting the needed nutrients at each and every critical growth stage to ensure superior crop yield and quality. 

Phosphite versus Phosphate
What is the difference between Phosphite and phosphate? Phosphite is completely different in nature from phosphate, a common ingredient in granular fertilizer. Chemically both compounds are similar; however phosphate has one more oxygen atom than Phosphite. The subtraction of the oxygen molecule in Phosphite markedly changes the nature and reaction of the resultant 

        The Phosphite Ionic Compound                                        The Phosphate Ionic Compound  

TKO Phosphite Benefits 
• Highly Systemic 
• Rapidly Corrects P and K Deficiencies 
• Easy to Mix and Easy to Use 
• Exceptionally Safe 
• Won't Bind in Soil 
• Prevents Contamination of Ground Water 
• Helps Prevent Plant Stress 
• Improves Plant Vigor 
• Increases Fruit Set and Development 
• Increases Crop Yield 

Figure 1
Phosphate is largely immobile in soil and must be placed close to the roots to be beneficial to a plant. Since phosphate often binds to the soil and does not get to the roots for uptake, many applications of granular phosphate are wasted.

Figure 2
Phosphite is highly mobile within plants. This means that an entire plant receives the many benefits of the Phosphite molecule.

Figure 3
With Phosphite, a plant's natural defense mechanisms are heightened so that diseases are more easily repelled. Phosphite encourages the nucleus of a plant cell to produce defensive molecules such as phytoalexin, which attacks the disease directly. The production of polysaccharides strengthens the cell wall adding additional protection. The cells also send "alarm signals" to cells that have not yet been attacked. 

Phosphite have been found to be extremely effective in the control of diseases, particularly those that belong to the Oomycetes group such as Phytophthora spp, Pythium spp and the Downy Mildew diseases. In addition to these, Phosphite control some fungal diseases that fall outside this group such as Venturia inaequalis (Apple Scab) and some bacterial diseases such as Erwinia amylovora (Apple fireblight).

In many countries Phosphite products are actually sold as fertilizers since the registration process for fungicides is particularly onerous. Scientists throughout the world have recognized that Phosphite works effectively as both a fertilizer and a fungicide, regardless of how it is registered

Phosphite Compound
Phosphate Compound
Soil Matrix
Plant vascular system
Plant cell
​Phosphite TKO
Call for prices or service
Rich Pearce @ 352-217-5553

Shipping is available call for rates 

Phosphite fungicde Phosphite fungicde
Phosphite fungicde Phosphite fungicde Phosphite fungicde
Phosphite fungicde Phosphite fungicde Phosphite fungicde Phosphite fungicde
Phosphite fungicde Phosphite fungicde Phosphite fungicde
Phosphite fungicde Phosphite fungicde
Phosphite fungicde
Phosphite fungicde Phosphite fungicde